A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend. How you use the prompt is up to you. Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like. Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise. If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the comments. Seriously, Sammi, you trying to kill us this week? Talk about giving us a challenge!
Have you noticed that young women today have taken on a particularly peristeronic characteristic?
How do you mean? Not sure they’d like to be compared to pigeons, mind.
Then they shouldn’t stand there knock-kneed and pigeon-toed!
Hah! Yet another stupid trend brought to us by Gwynnie, to make them appear younger and thinner.
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Posted on by Dale | 140 Comments
I went to a French high school. We didn’t do things like the Prom Queen and King. Come to think of it, I wonder if any of the English schools in Quebec did? Maybe it’s just an American thing. I honestly don’t know and frankly, don’t feel like looking it up because, in the grand scheme of things, it means diddly-squat. Prompt Queen? Now that’s a different story.
Somehow any writing I have done in the past few years has been a good ninety-to-ninety-five percent prompt-related. How did this happen? Is this a bad thing or a good thing? Or a nothing to even waste my energies on? I know I am far from alone. Many bloggers only write prompt-induced posts. And that is a fine thing. It has helped me work on my writing chops, I think. Plus, when it comes to creativity, I need a nudge.
I take a pause in writing to think about this, and what my point shall be while I make myself a coffee,
Random shot of coffee
then get side-tracked by catching up on my daily blog reading, check my emails, and I land on my horoscope. Coz yeah, I receive it daily, even though I don’t buy what they’re selling. However, it is ironic that today’s says this:
You may find yourself asking some major life questions today, Aries. Thoughtful Mercury finds itself opposed to grandiose Jupiter, asking you to ask whether you have all of the tools you need for the career you wish to create for yourself. You may find yourself revisiting educational or travel plans today. A positive sense of optimism permeates the day, lending support and strength to your questioning.
Okay, so why I write what I write is not a “major life question” but it is one of the questions I’ve been posing myself lately, and the only one I shall tackle at this time because it does affect how I spend some of my time. Time that suddenly became plentiful, yet ill-used. Since March, our lives, the world over, have been turned upside-down, sideways and inside out in a manner none of could ever have imagined. Now that we are almost half a year into this (Seriously?!?!) we still can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. How are we spending this time? Everyone has seen some kind of change in their schedule. Some barely had a break as they went from working in an office to working from home (and are working up to 20% more than before), some went from working days to working overnight, many of us lost our jobs, some were/are on hold, waiting, convinced they will be able to return to their former jobs at some time (though less and less a probability) and some, like me, have managed to find new jobs. A first, it seemed this no working thing would be the perfect time to tackle projects! Um. No. I couldn’t justify it as projects require money which is no longer coming in, or at least, not with the same flow. Many took up baking and cooking and gardening. And reading. And writing.
I know I have a point to all this. Oh yes. Prompts. I don’t know how I went from Friday Fictioneers to also participating in Crimson’s Creative Challenge, Weekend Writing Prompt and an occasional dVerse. I don’t like to post more than once per day and I’m not a daily blogger, either. I often would find myself wanting to write about something and then thinking, oh no, it’s Wednesday, that’s when I do FF and then I can’t write it on Thursday because that’s when I do CCC and then it’s too late because that feeling has passed. Just so you know, there is no obligation for me to write FF on Wednesdays nor CCC on Thursdays. It is all self-imposed. The reason I do this is it gives me a chance to read everyone else’s story/poem, whatevs… because. There is the rub. I’m an excellent participant and reciprocator. But it is as time-consuming AF to read and comment on 65 other 100-word stories. And I do. Mostly. I have since cut back on those who don’t even acknowledge my comment – after a few weeks of nothing, I drop them. Got better things to do with my time. And there are those who never visit mine. (And that’s okay, too. Just don’t expect me to go to yours after a while, either.) That’s what blogging is.
The swirls of the clouds resemble my thoughts
So what about those blogs I follow (and love) and read outside of these prompts? I feel so bad when fellow bloggers read me and I find myself three posts behind on theirs. How much time per day is a person supposed to sit on their ass reading and commenting on blogs? I swear I must read a novel’s worth per day. When can I sit on my ass and read a book? Because, frankly, after reading off the computer for 3-4 hours (if not more) I no longer feel like picking up a book.
That’s a helluva detour to my point, isn’t it? Maybe that’s why I do these prompts. They force me to keep myself brief as none of them are longer than 150 words. 😉 They have and will continue to serve their purpose as they push my creativity to write different things. And I think my writing has improved because of these challenges so no, I am not giving them up. I am, however, going to cherry-pick from now on because for me it is important, when participating in a challenge, to participate. I’m not a write-and-run kinda gal.
Back in February 2016, Eric Tonningson, Awakening to Awareness (a coach, speaker, writer, blogger I admire) commented with: “Hey, where are those thoughtful Dale posts??? All I’m seeing in my WP Reader is Friday Fictioneer stuff. 🙂”. I haven’t heard from him since this time, last year, but his words have been swirling in my head lately.
A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend. How you use the prompt is up to you. Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like. Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise. If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the comments. Click on the box below to join in on Sammi’s challenge or read other takes on this wonderful word.
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Posted on by Dale | 188 Comments
Good Wednesday afternoon! It’s a gorgeous, not too hot and sticky day here in the Montreal area. So sorry for those of you in the stinkin’ hot States right now. Sending out good vibes that this heat abates soon. Till then, how about a little silly Friday Fictioneer story, hosted by our illustrious leader, who also supplied her own photo, Rochelle. Better yet, how’s about you add your own little 100-word story to go with? Yeah? Click on the frog below and add your link. Easy-peasy!
I decided to participate in yesterday’s prosery for atom加速器安卓版下载 in which Lillian asks us to use one of two lines in Carl Sandburg’s Jazz Fantasia. My text has absolutely nothing to do with his fabulous poem. I chose “Moan like an autumn wind high in the lonesome treetops”. I did write it last night, then decided to wait until today to post, feeling it needed more fine-tuning. Needless to say, I played with it so much, I fear I buggered it up completely. Or maybe not. I’m putting it out there anyway!
I hike, breathing in the clean, crisp mountain air, revelling in my sense of being, as they say, one with nature. I wonder why I don’t allow myself to do this more often. To just be. To occasionally let go of all the musts, shoulds and needs that seem to take over everyday life. Why do we do that? Why don’t we take the time for ourselves? I know I was not taught to put myself last. Our family did not do this type of teaching, despite many hours of discussing pretty much everything.
I often read of people saying their parent taught them this lesson or that. I don’t. I sometimes wonder if I was simply not paying attention. Before I know it, I moan like an autumn wind high in the lonesome treetops, then howl, releasing restrictions I now know were self-imposed.
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Posted on by atomVNP | 116 Comments
A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend. How you use the prompt is up to you. Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like. Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise. If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the comments. Thank you, Sammi for hosting this prompt.
Good afternoon. It’s Friday! And for most people, that means the end of the workweek… for me? It means it’s Sunday. Does it matter? No, because come Monday, it’s my Saturday… confused? So am I. So let’s just skip this nonsense and get to Crispina’s lovely challenge number 88, shall we?
Yep. Here they are all lined up.
They don’t seem to make much sense. Where’s the instruction sheet?
I don’t have it.
What do you mean you don’t have it? Didn’t it come inside the box?
atom 加速器 apk
I chucked it.
What the hell would you do that for?
Instructions are for pussies! Plus, it was in Chinese!
You’re telling me they didn’t have an English version? C’mon man…
Well, they did, but the translation was so bad, I figured it would be best if we just tried to figure it out ourselves.
Oh, for heaven’s sake. Lemme see the box cover, so we can have an idea.
I can’t for the life of me see how those pieces will make this.
I can’t either. I think we got screwed.
Big time.
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Snail Mail – Friday Fictioneers
Posted on by Dale | 黑猫tomAPP破解版
Good Wednesday! Time for another episode of Friday Fictioneers! Our illustrious leader, Rochelle, has challenged us once again to use a photo and write a 100-word-max story inspired by it. This week, it is Jean L. Hays’ photo. Should you dare (g’head, try it!) click on the frog below and add your link. It’s fun and addictive.
Patience, she told herself. There is nothing you can do, so stop fretting. She refused to believe it was anything else but an extremely slow postal service. They did call it “snail mail” after all!
The grandfather clock in her hallway chimed eleven times, reminding her the mailman had passed.
She made her way down the driveway, telling herself not to expect anything.
What now, a box? Oh right, she was expecting a clipper for her dog.
Phooey. Not even for her. It was addressed to the former owners. Sigh.
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Clouds of Bounty
Posted on by Dale | 130 Comments
dVerse is back after a two-week break. This week’s Quadrille is hosted by Kim who asked us to use the word “Blue” in any way we desired. Soooo many possibilities. I was stuck, so I was inspired to ask The Oracle for a hand and with a few key words, she helped me get unstuck.
Not a breeze rustles through the trees
and dusk brings no sanctuary from the heat
As the humidity rises,
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Blue skies, enhanced by a blanket of clouds
Promising relief, but only if
they spill their bounty
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Weekend Writing Prompt #165 – Cavalier
Posted on by Dale | 72 Comments
A word prompt to get your creativity flowing this weekend. How you use the prompt is up to you. Write a piece of flash fiction, a poem, a chapter for your novel…anything you like. Or take the challenge below – there are no prizes – it’s not a competition but rather a fun writing exercise. If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the comments.
Always a thank you to atom官网下载 for hosting this weekly shindig!
An anglophone, such as you, will pronounce it KA-VA-LEER. I can’t help but think of a cad, someone disdainful.
However, if you are a francophone, comme moi, you pronounce it KA-VA-LI-YAY. Way more debonair, n’est-ce pas? Brings to mind a gallant knight, a gentleman.
OK. Random photo. Only thing I had remotely knight-like was this one made of butter!
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